FG grants subsidy to Kano electricity customers

FG grants subsidy

The Federal Government has committed to funding the revenue gap caused by the difference between the cost-reflective tariffs and the actual tariffs paid by customers of Kano Electricity Distribution Company, (KEDCO).

FG grants subsidy2

This was outlined in a September 2024 Supplementary Order issued by the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission under the Multi-Year Tariff Order framework for KEDCO released on Thursday.

The supplementary order, effective from September 1, 2024, seeks to address the financial imbalances that have arisen due to external factors such as exchange rate fluctuations and inflation.

The FGN policy on subsidy and electricity tariffs provides for a gradual transition to cost-reflective end-user tariffs with safeguards for the less privileged electricity consumers.

Accordingly, the Federal Government has committed to funding the revenue gap arising from the difference between cost-reflective tariffs approved by the Commission and the actual end-user tariffs during the transition to cost-effective tariffs where applicable, the document stated.

According to NERC, several indices, including the naira to US dollar exchange rate, the Nigerian inflation rate, and the US inflation rate, were reviewed to revise KEDCOs revenue requirements and tariffs for the remainder of 2024.

For example, The Naira to the US Dollar exchange rate of N1,601.50/US$1 has been adopted for September December 2024, and the Nigerian inflation rate of 33.40 per cent for July 2024 was applied for projections.

The FGs intervention will ensure that KEDCO can meet its obligations despite these cost pressures.

The order also detailed KEDCOs service commitments to its customers, particularly in delivering electricity based on the Service-Based Tariff framework.

The Federal Governments financial support during this transition period is intended to stabilise the electricity market and shield consumers from the full impact of the cost-reflective tariffs. This will allow KEDCO to continue providing essential services while also meeting its market payment obligations.

The order concluded with a commitment from NERC to monitor KEDCOs compliance with its service obligations.

The Commission shall continue to leverage technology to directly obtain data on the hours of supply on each Band A feeder from the head-end system of KEDCO for near real-time monitoring of service, the NERC stated.

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